PPA Launches Workshops
We are excited to announce the launch of PPA's Active Birth and Beyond workshops in Melbourne! These workshops are practical, hands on and fun learning experiences designed to dispel myths and remove fear, build skills and expand understanding so that you can...
Gestational Diabetes
A number of hormonal and metabolic changes occur naturally as a result of pregnancy, one such change is the diabetic effect of pregnancy, caused by the baby’s placenta changing the way in which the mother’s body deals with carbohydrates.
Normally all the glucose from our food is...
Down Syndrome Screening Test
The screening test for Down syndrome is part of the Maternal Serum Screening Test (MSS). The combined first trimester test is the most commonly offered test. This test is offered between 11 and 14 weeks gestation. The test includes a blood test to measure the levels of two naturally occuring...
Signs of Pregnancy
When your fertilised egg attaches itself to the wall of your uterus there is a significant change in the hormonal balance of your body and you might start to feel different. These changes could be the first signs that you are pregnant. Or you may not experience changes for weeks, with the first...