What is a PPA local branch?

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What is a PPA local branch?

Your local PPA branch is where you can meet parents-to-be and new mums and dads in your area. PPA local branches can provide you with the fun, friendship and support that can make life looking after young children more satisfying. PPA local Branches are run by teams of dedicated parent volunteers and aim to meet the needs of local parents for social connection and support.

PPA’s Local Branches are the face of PPA in local communities. Local Branches have the same aims as PPA.

Local Branches provide parents with access to a network of local parents for peer support and self-help. At the end of every PPA antenatal workshop or class, new parents are introduced to a representative of their local branch and informed about events and activities and invited to get involved.

When you connect with your local PPA branch you will be introduced to other parents at the same life stage as you. Local Branches run social and fundraising events and activities in your community. There are always opportunities to get involved and join in the fun.

You can find out more about starting a Local PPA Branch here or  email us today and we will support you to make it happen for your community.

We look forward to welcoming you to the PPA community!