Postnatal Services
Postnatal Services
PPA's postnatal services include:
- Stretch and Relax with Baby weekly classes
- Parent and Baby Programs
- Parent and Toddler Programs
- Postnatal Training Days
Stretch and Relax with Baby weekly class provides postnatal women with an on-going opportunity to return to gentle, low impact exercise, engage in parenting based discussion and strengthen their social support networks.
PPA Parent and Baby Programs and PPA Parent and Toddler Programs, are hands-on practical, on-going classes which enable new parents to explore different approaches to important parenting issues and child development with a qualified group leader. These sessions increase new parents’ confidence in their skills and the choices they make for their children.
For more information about how PPA can help you to develop and run postnatal services for parents, and training for professionals please email us or call (02) 9984 0000.